Just like some people want to tour around the United States in an RV to suck in all of the sites, MLB fans often make a resolution to visit all 30 Major League ballparks. This usually entails an ample amount of BBQing and tailgating.
However, their ballpark is always near the top of the list for parks to visit. It’s simply classic. Parks that were built or went through remodels in the 1990s and 2000s tried to replicate the look and feel of Camden Yards … but none of them could.
The B&O warehouse that stares over the ballpark’s rightfield wall give Camden Yards a truly retro feel. Then, as you look over centerfield, and see the tops of the Baltimore Skyline, it almost feels like you’ve been transported back to the old-timey days to watch America’s favorite pastime.
This field often ends up as the No. 1 ballpark in America. It’s truly beautiful There’s not a bad seat in the house and you have wonderful views of downtown Pittsburgh and Roberto Clemente bridge directly behind center field. What makes this park especially unique is that there are only two decks. So, it’s the first park to be built this way since the 1950s when County Stadium was constructed in Milwaukee.
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Dodger Stadium
With a 56,000 person capacity, Dodger Stadium is massive. Instead of one Jumbotron, there are two, so it doesn’t matter if you sit along the 1st base line or 3rd base line, you always have a clear view of the big screen. If you are somewhere behind home plate you have a clear view of both. On top of this, you have the scenic backdrop of the Chavez Ravine behind centerfield and of course, you get to visit Los Angeles while you’re at it. The stadium was recently revamped but it was originally built back in 1956.
Fenway Park
I have three words for you: Big Green Monster. Fenway Park is amazing. The franchise built Fenway back in 1912, and it remains much the same as it did well over 100 years ago. If you are looking for an MLB ‘experience’, then look no further than the field the Boston Red Sox call home.
There you have it. Those are my Top 5 ballparks to visit in the United States. What are your favorite fields? Get your buddies together and take them to see your favorite team play live on the field see the San Diego Padres or another team by purchasing San Diego Padres tickets. Let us know in the comments below!
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