
Common Dental Emergencies and How You Need to Get Prepared

When going on with their daily life activities, most people don’t often think about what they can do in case of a dental emergency. Sudden dental problems might arise, such as breaking your tooth in a fall, a sudden slip, or you have had an underly health complication.

These emergencies can lead to stress, and the issue can be even worse without a proper strategy. Most people will often experience severe pain, continuous bleeding, and inflammation that might need immediate attention. Contacting an emergency dentist Gurgaon is crucial to help reduce pain, bleeding, and inflammation.

It’s often impossible to know when the emergency will occur, but knowing and having the contact of your emergency dentist can help. Further, knowing what you need to do in such cases is important. This article will explore common dental emergencies and how you need to get prepared.

Most Common Dental Emergencies

1. Toothache

Pain can be distressing and can make you uncomfortable. When you have a toothache, it can be a sign of tooth decay. Some toothaches are manageable without any emergency treatment. However, certain signs, such as swelling, can require immediate attention. When you have a toothache, you must avoid painkillers and aspirin. This is because it can burn the tissue when it contacts the gum. Instead, place a cold compress on your chin as you call your dental clinic for emergency care.

2. Knocked-Out Teeth

Losing a tooth can be very painful, especially when it was not intentional. Most people will often lose their teeth due to slip and fall during sports. You must keep the knocked tooth in your mouth as you go to an emergency clinic. With technological advancement, most emergency dental clinics can help restore the tooth.

3. Chipped or Broken Teeth

One of the common dental issues is chipped or broken teeth, especially when you bite something too hard. A chipped tooth can be painful and uncomfortable to handle. In case of such instances, consider rinsing your mouth with warm water and applying a piece of gauze to prevent bleeding.

4. Soft-Tissue Damage

The soft tissues in your mouth include the gums, lips, tongue, and the interior of the cheeks. When damaged, they can lead to bleeding, requiring you to contact emergency dental care. To stop soft tissue wounds such as punctures, lacerations, and rips, they must be washed with hot water when applying pressure.

Basic of Preventing Dental Emergency

  • Avoid Chewing Anything Else

Some people have the habit of chewing pen capos and biting their nails. Using your teeth on other work apart from eating can lead to a chip of the teeth leading to an emergency. You can avoid this by chewing sugarless gum to avoid oral fixation and keep your hands busy.

  • Use a Mouthguard

If you are working in a risky area or are a sports fan, it’s important to avoid rough plays that could affect your mouth by wearing a mouthguard before you begin your activity. This will help ensure that your teeth and other mouth parts are protected from injuries.

End Note!

It’s important to take care of your dental health by wearing the right gear when sporting or working in risky areas. Ensure you go for dental checkups to avoid emergencies caused by underlying medical conditions.

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