Country home air heating – what to do if it breaks down?
For home heating, air heating systems are especially common in the United States and Canada, where the impetus for their development and use was the energy crisis of the 1970s. Air heating then gained acceptance as an alternative to a water heating scheme that was highly energy efficient. Currently in the U.S. and Canada, according to various estimates, 90 to 95% of private homes are heated with air heating.
Furnace repair is important
It’s not uncommon for homeowners to encounter furnace problems and breakdowns. Of course, some problems can be solved on your own, but we highly recommend contacting a 24-hour furnace repair service. Fast service, world-class technicians, and professional tools are the key to your peace of mind and a working furnace.
Fast and economical operation
The economic efficiency of the air heating system is determined by several factors and first of all by the absence of an intermediate heat transfer medium. Due to this, in comparison, for example, with water heating systems, air heating is characterized by much less thermal inertia and warms up the atmosphere of heated premises in 15-20 minutes after the start of work. This property of air heating systems makes them very convenient for heating houses that are used seasonally and visited for a short time during the cold season – for weekends or winter vacations. In addition to the fact that a comfortable temperature in the atmosphere of heated rooms is achieved very quickly, the absence of an intermediate liquid coolant eliminates the defrosting of the system and the possibility of leaks.
Low thermal inertia is closely related to the possibility of flexible control of the air heating system. The temperature in the heated room is controlled by the built-in automation and remote thermostat. When the room temperature reaches the comfort temperature set on the thermostat, the automation is triggered and the air heater is switched off. If the temperature drops below the set temperature, the thermostat will activate again and the heater will automatically turn on.
The efficiency of the air heating system is also expressed in the lower cost of the equipment needed to organize it, it is also cheaper to operate. And, in addition, air heating brings the possibility of a number of additional benefits and conveniences for the user.
There are solutions in which the air heating system can be used with different heat sources: gas or liquid fuel air heater, water boiler, combined water heater, geothermal source, electric heater, heat pump.
Concealed heat
Installation of an air heating system is easier and takes less time than the installation of a traditional water heating system. However, it should be remembered that the installation of air heating system is desirable to consider at the design stage of the house, although it is possible to install it during the reconstruction phase. During construction, it is necessary to provide all the necessary niches and technological openings for the installation of ducts and all necessary equipment.
Ducts are usually located in corridors and halls and closed by false ceilings. In this case, the ceilings in corridors are lowered by about 15 cm. In residential areas, lowering the ceilings is not required. It is possible to install ducts in basement rooms. The air is supplied to the room through air distribution grilles or linear diffusers. Air heating suppliers usually have a wide range of decorative air distribution grilles and diffusers that can be combined with different interior design materials. Because of this, as well as the absence of heaters, the air heating system is virtually invisible to the eye and is not present in the interior details.
To summarize, the advantages of air heating systems should include: economy, high energy efficiency, relatively low cost of equipment, ease of installation, simplicity and reliability of operation, the possibility of commissioning in any season, rapid heating of the atmosphere of the room, ventilation and the ability to condition the premises through a single duct system.