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Facebook Aside. Spread the Season’s Love the Classical Way with Christmas Photo Books

Uploading your Christmas photos on Facebook, showing off how your festive season was lit and getting all those likes and comments can be tempting. Unfortunately, you may not have Facebook forever. Additionally, your family members who are not on the social media site might miss out on your family photo updates. In such instances, Christmas photo books may come in handy. Unlike scrapbooking, which might be time-consuming, online services like Mixbook allow you to upload your photos, scribble captions in your handwriting and print out a fascinating photo book. Compiling all your memory-provoking shots in glossy pages will let you share the moments with your beloved as you sip your coffee or mail it to them as an eccentric Christmas gift.    

How easy is photo editing with Mixbook?

Capturing real-time moments like dancing in reflective snow or riding on a fast-moving reindeer sleigh can be challenging. However, the case is different from Mixbook. The digital service allows you to straighten your double-edged shots, fix exposure or change backgrounds with ease. What might make Mixbook an exciting online service to work with, especially if you have a busy schedule, is that you may not spend extensive hours perfecting your less-than-perfect photos that you did not intend to share with the whole world. Thanks to specific click-on buttons, you will surprise yourself with the untapped photography gene you never knew existed. You may even update your folks on how your next photo book will appear as you stand next to Santa and the elves discussing your next destination.

However, if you are an advanced photographer, making 2D shots appear like 3D, you still have tools to make your images attract the highest biddings if you were to auction them at a lottery. For instance, Mixbook has a color correction tool to fill your shots with filters and lights to enhance your images’ authenticity.

Why would you gift your loved ones photo books for the festive season?

A photo book is priceless. Additionally, it is a special gift whether you send it to your dear mom or another person you care about. Unfortunately, your recipient might fail to feel your surprise if you do not take time to launch your present, resulting in a horrendous fail. To make the gift fun and intriguing, you might need collaborations. For instance, you may involve several family members to add their photos to your theme, layout or act as decorations to add pomp and color to your photo book.

Though Christmas should be your main idea, incorporating related ideas to satisfy your recipient’s needs might be a jackpot. For instance, you could surprise your significant other with photos of your first date, first kiss and the most remarkable moments you shared in the early years of your relationship if you intend to gift your fiancé with the photo book.

If you thought Facebook was the only way you can preserve your Christmas photos, letting the social media site pop up single pictures as memories every time, think broader. Experience the magic Mixbook brings you this festive season and create a timeless photo book you will always look at and reminisce on the good times you shared with your loved ones. 

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