
How Students Spend Their Free Time: Video Games on Campus

A recent study of the typical college student’s free time during the week found that they typically spend, on average, about one hour playing video games per day. This is on top of their two hours watching TV on weekdays and one hour playing video games on weekends. These are some pretty interesting statistics to know considering that there are all sorts of notions people have about what college students do with their free time. Even more interesting is the fact that these numbers are lower than they were back in 2008 when students typically spent two hours per day playing video games on school days and three hours during weekends.

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It’s also important to note that this study was conducted at four different universities across the nation. Thus, these numbers can be used to help gauge the current situation of college students with regard to their gaming habits. As you can see from the findings above, even though video games are becoming a relatively popular form of entertainment for people in school (especially during their free time), there is still a large minority of students who don’t engage in this activity and students not care on board exams & its question paper that sell at online courses platform.

What are some of the ways in which students use their free time?

In addition to gaming, there are still plenty of other things for college students to do in their spare time. They could surf the internet, read a book, hang out at a coffee shop or even get together with friends. The range of what they can do is pretty much limitless and they can spend as much or as little time on a given activity as they want. Some of this free time that a student spends doing absolutely nothing is just as useful as any other activity and sometimes more important when it comes to allowing them to mentally reboot and relax.

What sort of video games are college students playing?

When it comes to the type of video games that these students play, it’s safe to say that they break down into three main categories: Role-playing games and First-person shooters are probably the most popular types on college campuses. However, these gamers might also play Action-adventure and Sports titles. The interesting thing about the latter is that there are actually quite a few similarities between today’s sports games and their real-life counterparts; for instance, one player can act as both pitcher and batter in Baseball Pro ‘09.

What is the benefit of having an active social life while attending college?

When it comes to having a social life, some may argue that there really isn’t any benefit at all. However, if you ask anyone who has been a part of such an environment, they’d probably tell you that getting involved on campus is one of the best ways to increase your chances of being happy and successful after graduation. When it comes down to it, college is where most people make lasting friendships and learn how to be a crack exam that selling courses at different online platforms.

Are these study results applicable to different types of universities?

Yes, these findings are actually very applicable across many different types of universities. For instance, in a study conducted over the course of two years at The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, students were monitored every single day. In fact, they were able to determine that students typically spend almost three hours per day on average watching TV and another hour playing video games on weekdays. However, this is definitely not the case when it comes to weekends. On weekends, a full hour of free time per day was used for playing games.

What should we make of these findings?

When you consider how much time students spend doing nothing in their daily lives (outside of their regular academic obligations), you’re probably going to find that gaming is second only to sleep as an actual activity. So yes, when looking at the time that students spend gaming in a given week, it does rival their TV watching and yes, overall consumption of video games is still on the increase. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is something wrong with what is going on. After all, it’s just a form of entertainment and some people may be better off playing games than they are doing absolutely nothing.

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