Recent Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado

There have been 26 motorcyclist fatalities in Colorado since May 7th, the first day of the month. Motorcyclists make up just 3 percent of the vehicles on Colorado’s roads, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be more vigilant. According to Colorado State Patrol, motorcyclists are less crashworthy than passenger vehicles, and excessive speed seems to be the leading factor. Motorcyclists are also not as protected as passenger vehicles, which is why wearing a helmet is imperative. Get legal help from Boulder Motorcycle Accident Attorney for your case.
Motorcyclists aren’t as crashworthy as passenger vehicles
The majority of motorcycle accidents in Colorado are caused by the negligence of other drivers. Colorado’s traffic laws protect motorcyclists by requiring that they wear a helmet. Alcohol and drug use affect judgment and coordination, slow reaction time, throttle control, and balance. As a result, drunk riders are less likely to be able to predict the actions of other drivers. Their reaction times are also impaired and they are less likely to be able to react to dangerous situations.
Despite their crashworthiness, motorcycles pose a higher risk of injury than passenger cars. Bicycles are more exposed to the open road and pose a much higher risk of collision. Motorcyclists are also more likely to suffer fatal injuries than passengers in cars. Despite their helmets and protective gear, motorcycle riders can still be involved in devastating wrecks. These accidents are often caused by a combination of driver impairment and disobedience of traffic laws.
Speeding is a factor in motorcycle accidents
Most motorcycle crashes involve other vehicle drivers who fail to see the motorcycle. Even the most skilled motorcyclists cannot avoid a crash if another driver fails to notice them. Whether visibility is poor due to bad weather or a lack of attention from the other driver, speeding always increases the risk of a crash and the force of impact. This is why it is vital to slow down when approaching intersections and when merging with traffic.
Speeding is a major factor in motorcycle accidents, and it’s the primary reason why many crashes are fatal. Although Colorado law requires drivers to take motorcycle driving classes, this alone may not prevent every accident. Colorado motorcycle statistics show that nearly 30 percent of motorcycle crashes are caused by speeding vehicles. Intoxicated drivers are less likely to notice a motorcycle on the road, and their reaction time is slower. They may also be aggressive or careless when they do not see the motorcycle.
Importance of wearing a helmet
While it is not mandatory for adult riders to wear a helmet, Colorado courts are now setting standards for injury claims in cases involving motorcycles. This means that if you’re injured in a Colorado motorcycle accident because you weren’t wearing a helmet, you have the opportunity to make a claim against the other party. Not wearing a helmet could lead to your claim being thrown out, or the other party may try to use it as a defense against your injury claim.
Another important factor to keep in mind is maintaining a safe distance behind motorcyclists. This will give them time to react to sudden actions that may occur when they’re not paying attention to the road. Drivers who are driving under the influence of alcohol are far more likely to make mistakes because they’re distracted and cannot fully focus on steering and braking. Colorado’s motto for motorcyclists is, “Look twice before you act” – and it’s a good one!
Sanctions for not wearing a helmet
Recent motorcycle accidents in Colorado have been linked to a significant increase in the number of people who are not wearing a helmet. The number of motorcycle fatalities in Colorado has jumped 33% since last spring during the outbreak of COVID-19. The Colorado Department of Transportation has announced that it will launch a public safety campaign aimed at preventing motorcyclists from becoming distracted and not wearing a helmet. The Aftermath campaign will include billboards across the state and social media messages to encourage people to wear a helmet.
A Colorado motorcycle accident victim who is not wearing a helmet has several legal options available to them. First, he or she can use Colorado’s modified comparative negligence law to his or her advantage. Under this law, a motorcyclist is not considered negligent if they fail to wear a helmet. Further, the law does not specify whether a passenger should wear a helmet or not.